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Interface to access connection to ACS and MCS Axis Objects.


Property Type Access Description
DegreesOfFreedomConfigured E_KinematicDOF R/W Configure the Kinematic assigned, e.g. DOF=3= Delta Robot
AcsAxisCount BOOL R/W Specifies the amount of ACX Axes on Kinematic.
AcsPositionAbsolute BOOL R/W Interpretation of ACS Axes is absolute.


The Kinematic Group manages the basic function of the Kinematic Transformations Library. It builds and manipulates the Kinematic Object.


Property Type Access Description
KinematicStatus E_KinStatus R Get the current Kinematic Object Status
KinMetaInfo U_KinMetaInfo R/W Get/Set the current Kinematic Object Configuration for Forward Transformation
OidKinTrafo OTCID R Object Id of Kinematic Group


Method Return Type Description
BuildKinGroup BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Builds and configures the Kinematic Group
DissolveKinGroup BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Dissolves the built Kinematic Group
ResetKinGroup BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Resets the Kinematic Group
SetKinematicParameter BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Sets Parameter for Kinematic Object via OID and PID for Tool and Kinematic
PresetRotationExtRotationRange BOOL The function block FB_KinPresetRotation sets the rotational state. The rotational state is not persistent and must be reset after a TwinCAT restart or if a path is started after an ACS axis movement (direct mode)
ActivateExtRotationRange BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted. Extends the rotation of the Kinematic Object to full circle.
DeactivateExtRotationRange BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted. Resets rotation behavior back to default.


Interface implements basic robotic functions for the Kinematic Object.


Property Type Access Description
ActPosition ST_KinematicPosition R Returns current position of ACS and MCS Drives
Enabled BOOL R Returns True if the Robotic System is enabled
InPosition BOOL R Returns True if the Robotic System is at Target Position with all its Axis
Moving BOOL R Returns True if one or more Axis is moving. Limits are set in the NC Axis Object
Override LREAL W Set Override for Robotic System
TargetMotionParameter ST_KinematicMotionParameter R/W Get/Set the motion Parameter of ACS and MCS Axis (Acceleration, Deceleration, Jerk, Position)


Method Return Type Description
Disable BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Disables the Robotic System MC_Power
Enable BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Enables the Robotic System ACS and MCS Axes MC_Power
JogCartesianAxis BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Jogs one Cartesian Axis
JogJoint BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Jogs one Joint Axis
Stop BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Stops all movement of the Robotic System


Interface Implements Coordinated Motion functions.


Property Type Access Description
CmState ST_KinematicComponentAmp_CmGroupState R Get current state of coordinated motion Group
CmIdentAxis1 IDENT_IN_GROUP_REF W Set allocation of Group axes to the depending cartesian Axis e.g. MCS_X
CmIdentAxis2 IDENT_IN_GROUP_REF W Set allocation of Group axes to the depending cartesian Axis e.g. MCS_Y
CmIdentAxis3 IDENT_IN_GROUP_REF W Set allocation of Group axes to the depending cartesian Axis e.g. MCS_Z
CmIdentAxis4 IDENT_IN_GROUP_REF W Set allocation of Group axes to the depending cartesian Axis e.g. MCS_C1
CmGroupRef AXES_GROUP_REF W Access to Coordinated Motion Group Instance


Method Return Type Description
DisableCmGroup BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Disables the Kinematic Motion Group
EnableCmGroup BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Enables the Kinematic Motion Group
StartMovePath BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Starts the move of the prepared Path
UngroupCmGroup BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Dissolves the Motion Group
BuildCmGroup Bool Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Add all DOF Axis to the Motion Group
ClearPath Bool Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Clears CM Path to prepare for next motion path
TrackConveyorBelt Bool Returns TRUE Command was accepted, activates the tracking of a linear movement in space e.g. Conveyor
SetCoordinateTransform Bool Returns TRUE Command was accepted, add Coordinate Transformation to Cm Group


Interface to implement all Cam Table related functions.


Property Type Access Description
CammingActive BOOL R Connected Axes System is Cammed in to Cam Table


Method Return Type Description
CamClearPath BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Delete preset Cam Table Points
CamIn BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Cam In connected axes to cam table
CamOut BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Cam Out connected axes from cam table
CamStartMovePath BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, Delete preset Cam Table Points
CamMasterZero BOOL Returns TRUE Command was accepted, With this Method the Cam Master can be set to 0.0 Position, needed when cyclic use of cam table