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Function Blocks


(extends FB_ComponentBase) Function block that allows for an implementation of and XPlanar system as a component of a Machine.


See also: - I_ComponentBase


  • The CyclicLogic() method should be called every PLC cycle to ensure the XPlanarEnvironment and XPlanarGroup NC objects along with each Movers/Stations/Tracks are cycled properly and statuses updated. Called inherently if using SPT Framework
  • The Initialize() method sets mover default halt dynamics and sets up all required interfaces pointers and references. Called inherently if using SPT Framework
  • The Reset() method contains and sequence to reset and re-enable faulted movers
  • The CreateEvents() method should be called before operation to initialize configured Event Logger events Called inherently if using SPT Framework
  • The HMICommunication()method should be called to update statuses to the HMI Called inherently if using SPT Framework


Property Type Access Description
MoverDetectionInfo ST_TcIoMoverDetectionInfos R Structure of configured and detected count of each mover type
TracksInitialized BOOL R Signal reflecting that track segments have been build and do not need to be re-initialized
TileCount UDINT R Actual tile count of the XPlanar system
Xpu I_TcIoXPlanarProcessingUnit R Access to XPlanar environment and driver functions


Method Return Type Access Description
Abort BOOL PUBLIC Aborting sequence for immediate halting system and disabling movers
BuildTracks BOOL PUBLIC Sequence for initializing all configured track segments
CheckMovers BOOL PUBLIC Method that can be called to check all valid movers and raise an alarm if a lost mover is detected
CheckTilePower BOOL PUBLIC Method that can be called to check DC Link voltage for all tiles and will raise an alarm if not ok
EnableGroup BOOL PUBLIC Method used to Enable the XPlanar Group
EnableMovers BOOL PUBLIC Method used to Enable all movers with the option of adding them to the XPlanar Group
EnableTracks BOOL PUBLIC Method used to Enable all track segments with the option of adding them to the XPlanar Group
IdentifyMovers BOOL PUBLIC Method used to identify and sort movers based on assigned ID Bumper
MoverRedetect BOOL PUBLIC Method used to perform a mover redetect
RecoverStations BOOL PUBLIC Method to cylce through the prepare sequence of each station
Reset -- -- --


Complete implementation of I_XPlanarMover for control of an XPlanar mover.


See also: - I_XPlanarMover


  • The CyclicLogic() method is inherently called by the FB_Component_XPlanar parent object and ensures the NC object is cycled properly and updates the component Busy flag

  • The Reset() method should be called to clear any mover faults

HMICommunication method

The HMICommunication() method should be called to update status of the mover to the HMI. Called inherently if using SPT Framework


Function Block to handle a queueing of movers in a station.


Property Type Access Description
Count UDINT R Actual count of movers in the queue
FirstMover I_XPlanarMover R Interface to the lead mover in the queue
LastMover I_XPlanarMover R Interface to the last mover in the queue
MoverIDs ARRAY[1..StationParameters.MaxMoversPerStation] R Index values of movers currently in the queue
Queue Reference To ARRAY[1..StationParameters.MaxMoversPerStation] R Reference to the entire queue of mover interfaces


Method Return Type Access Description
Clear BOOL PUBLIC Full clear and reset of the queue buffer
Dequeue BOOL PUBLIC Unload the leading mover from the queue
Enqueue BOOL PUBLIC Load mover into the queue


Complete implementation of I_XPlanarStation for configuring and controlling a processing point on the XPlanar table.


See also: - I_XPlanarStation


  • The Recover() method is called by the recovery sequence of the FB_XPlanar parent object and if a mover is in the 'bubble' of the station it will be brought center and joined to the defined track segment of the station (if applicable).

  • The CyclicLogic() method is inherently called by the FB_XPlanar sum up component and continually monitors for a mover to arrive.

  • As movers pass through the HasMover flag will set, if a mover enters the station and stops the MoverReady flag will be set.


Complete implementation of I_XPlanarTrack for configuring and building planar track segments in NC


See also: - I_XPlanarTrack


  • The CyclicLogic() method is inherently called by the FB_XPlanar parent object and ensures the NC object is cycled properly.

  • The Build() method is called by the Build Tracks sequence of the FB_XPlanar parent object and checks the point configuration and initializes the segment with its linked NC group.