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Connection to Nci Channel, access to Channel IO via this interface.

Function and further components which need the Channel IO shall be accessing it via this interface.


Property Type Access Description
Channel ST_NciChannel GET Get reference of Channel IO


Interface for basic NCI functions as Load/Start and Stop Interpreter.

All commands return TRUE if command was accepted.


Property Type Access Description
ProgramPath String GET/SET Program Path for .nc file to load
Override UDINT SET Override in 0..1000000 (0..100%)
Jerk LREAL SET Jerk for E-Stop deceleration
Deceleration LREAL SET Deceleration for E-Stop
InterpreterState UINT GET Feedback interpreter state
IsHandshake BOOL GET Feedback if handshake M-Code is active
GetHskMFunction INT GET Get number of handshake M-Code
GroupIsBuilt BOOL GET NCI Group is built
BlockSearchStartPosition ST_ItpBlockSearchStartPosition GET Startposition when blocksearch was executed


Method Return Type Description
BuildNciGroup BOOL Build Nci group with assigned AxisIds. Uses CfgBuildExt3DGroup
LoadNciProgram BOOL Loads .nc file from ProgramPath into interpreter. Uses ItpLoadProgEx
DissolveNciGroup BOOL Dissolve built Nci group. Uses CfgReconfigGroup
InterpreterStart BOOL Start interpreter execution. Uses ItpStartStopEx
InterpreterStop BOOL Stop interpreter execution. Uses ItpStartStopEx
InterpreterStopOnPath BOOL Stop movement on path, enables the possibility of resume. Uses ItpEstopEx
ResumeAfterEstop BOOL Resumes movement after Stop on Path. Uses ItpStepOnAfterEStopEx
EnableRetrace BOOL Enable the possibility of retracing on path. Uses ItpEnableFeederBackup
RetraceBackward BOOL Retrace on path. Uses ItpRetraceMoveBackward
RetraceForward BOOL Retrace on path. Uses ItpRetraceMoveForward
IsFastMFunction BOOL Query for active fast M-Code. If AutoReset is set to TRUE the function is reset in next cycle. Uses ItpIsFastMFunc
ConfirmHsk BOOL Confirms Handshake M-Code. Uses ItpConfirmHsk
BlockSearch BOOL Executes block search in .nc file. Uses ItpBlocksearch
SetSearchOptionFlags BOOL Configuration for Blocksearch. St_ItpBlockSearchOptions
StepOnAfterBlocksearch BOOL Activates the block of the .nc file which was searched and found, starts the interpreter. Uses ItpStepOnAfterBlocksearch