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Defines required functionality for an XPlanar mover.


Property Type Access Description
Destination I_XPlanarStation RW Interface pointer for the next station the mover is going to.
Error BOOL RO Error signal from Move Commands
ErrorID UDINT RO Error ID returned from Command Feedback
ErrorInfo STRING RO Error description returned from Command Feedback
IdentifiedBTN STRING RO Reported BTN from ID Bumper
InStation BOOL RW Signal indicating mover is in a station queue
MoverDynamics ST_MoveDynamics RW Sturcture for move dynamic vars. Velocity, Accel, Decel, Jerk, CA Gap, etc.
MoverBTN STRING(13) R BTN that is assigned to the mover
MoverIndex UDINT RW Index number of the mover
MoverTcIo I_TcIoXPlanarMover RO Interface to Mover TcIo Driver functions
MoverType MoverType RO Identified Mover Type from TcCOM Object
TrackID UDINT RW Index number of the track segment the mover is currently on
std I_XPlanarMoverStandard R Interface to the base library mover functions

Move Commands

Built in Mover functions that can be easily called from the application.

Method Return Type Description
ClearCmd BOOL Used to externally reset the internal command state machine
Disable BOOL Disables the mover
Enable BOOL Enables the mover
FreeMove BOOL Command the mover to an XY position on the table
Index BOOL Command the mover to rotate a fraction of a turn (Use negative number to change rotation direction)
JoinTrack BOOL Join the mover to a specified Track Segment
LeaveTrack BOOL Command mover to un-join its current track segment and move to a specified xy position
SendToStation BOOL Send the mover to a desired Station
Spin BOOL Rotate the mover a specified number of turns (Use negative number to change rotation direction
SquareUp BOOL Rotate the mover to its nearest quarter angle
Tilt BOOL Tilt the mover on the A and B Axis
VerticalMove BOOL Raise or lower the mover on the Z Axis


Defines a specified area of a track where a mover is going to be processed.


Property Type Access Description
CanReleaseMover BOOL W Immediate area around the station is blocked, do not release mover
CurrentMover I_XPlanarMover R Interface pointer to the lead mover in the stations mover queue
HasMover BOOL BOOL A Mover is currently in the defined station area
ID UDINT RW Index number of the station
MoverQueue Reference To FB_MoverQueue_ R Reference to the movers currently queued up in the station
NextStation I_XPlanarStation RW Interface pointer to the next station to send the mover to
NumMoversRequired UDINT RW Number of movers required by the station before station is ready to process. Only required with Multi-Mover station type
Positon REFERENCE TO PositionXYC R Reference to the postition of the station on the XPlanar table
StationComplete BOOL W Bit for an external process to tell the station that processing is complete and send the mover to the next station
StationReady BOOL R Mover(s) are registered in the station and ready to command
StationType E_StationType(UDINT) RW Type of process the station is being setup to do (0 = Process, 1 = DecisionPoint, etc.)
ProcessInterface I_Process W Interface pointer for a processing sequence that the mover will perform while in the station
AllowQueing BOOL W Bit to tell the station to bypass checking if the next station is blocked and send the mover anyway (basically allow queuing or not)
Size UDINT RW Configured station size in mm (default = 240)
TrackID I_Track RW Interface pointer to the track segment the station resides on. (do not set if not using tracks)


Method Return Type Description
Execute null 'Automatic' function of the station. Watch for a mover to arrive, execute a process if assigned, and send the mover away
Reset BOOL Reset the internal state machine of the station


Defines functionality of a specified track segment


Property Type Access Description
Error BOOL R Bit indicating an error occurred during the build process
ErrorInfo STRING R Description of error that occurred during build process
ID UDINT RW Index number of the segment
MoverCount UDINT R Number of movers currently on segment
OpMode MC_PLANAR_TRACK_OPERATION_MODE R Current operating mode of the track segment
std I_TrackStandard R Interface to the base library track functions
TrackLength UDINT R Linear length of track segment in mm
TrackTable REFERENCE_TO FB_TrackTable R Reference to the track table for point configuration